Jan 19, 2011

A New Favorite

I have been on the hunt for a grain free bread that does NOT use nuts and I finally found one that I LOVE! I actually had my daughter make it for me and she did a superb job:) I found the original recipe HERE. I had my daughter change a couple of minor details though. If I EVER follow a recipe perfectly, that would be a miracle. I had her leave out the sesame seeds because my tummy doesn't like them and she used coconut oil instead of butter and less than it called for. Anyway, it is pretty near perfect! Today, I had a grilled ham and cheese sandwich~which is something I don't normally eat, but I totally enjoyed it!
Had a dill pickle with my sandwich~yum!

Isn't that a pretty loaf?:)

I use a smaller than normal loaf pan to get a good height on my bread, but it's not a mini loaf pan either. Perfect for gluten free breads that don't rise very much. Check out the recipe~it sure is tasty and easy to make!

In case you are wondering, I am still on Savella. I was going to stop taking it but I agreed with my hubby to keep taking it until I had my follow up with the Dr. I had that appointment on Monday and he suggested increasing the dose. I agreed to try that for a month. I have little to no side affects so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it a little longer. I know lots of people don't take any kind of medication and that's great, but my body is just not doing well. If the Savella ends up helping, I would be SO happy! As of right now, still not much change though.


  1. Oh so glad you found a recipe you love!

    Hoping & praying with you that the increased dose of Savella will work for you! {hug}

  2. I am glad you found bread you like and can have. I do hope the savella helps! It didn't help me. I haven't found any that really help. I hope you are having a good day!!

  3. Just found your lovely blog thur blog hopping :)
    This IS lovely bread!!! Looks good.
    :) God bless you!!!
