Jun 11, 2011

Loving Life:)

Okay, so I bet you thought I had fallen off the face of the earth, huh? Well, I didn't. I've just been busy with life~that kind of happens when you have three youngin's (15, 18 and 20). Gosh, when did I become so old?! Anyway, in my last post, forever ago, I was sharing that I had finally quit work. I'm tellin' ya, I LOVE not working!!!!! When I first stopped working, I was happily catching up on all kinds of things that had been neglected for too long, but that got old real fast. I am happy to have time to do more around my house, but I really don't want my life to be all about cleaning~UGH! My hubby's work schedule is different now so I am also VERY happy to be spending more time with him. We have been trying to walk together about 3 times a week and I LOVE that!

As for yoga, I am teaching one class a week right now and hope to maybe add more later. I don't want to over-commit myself. Did I mention that I LOVE not working?:) Yeah, so anyway, I do also love teaching yoga! It's not a big money maker as I made the classes donation based, but I truly am blessed to be able to teach.

In the health department, I am NOT magically cured because I am no longer working. One of the reasons I have not been blogging much is that I have had a lot to work through emotionally and just coming to terms with where I am physically. Don't get me wrong, I have improved some since quitting work. I am still going to physical therapy twice a week, trying to eat right (that's SO hard), and trying to learn to be active without overdoing it (so NOT good at that one!). I think before I quit my job, I thought that I WOULD magically be better and it was pretty depressing to realize that that was not the case. I am learning not to take the little things for granted and to appreciate what my body CAN do instead of focusing on what I can't do. I DO still have PAIN and lots of fatigue, but I get to stay home and rest when I need to:) On top of that, I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!

Hope you all are doing well and thanks so much for stopping by:) I hope to start posting more often, but who knows what tomorrow will bring!


  1. I am glad things are better for you! Yes, having too much free time can be a bad thing as far as boredom happens although i would imagine have 3 kids would mean a busy mom! I am glad that you are teaching and I do hope you will start teaching more yoga classes!

    Good luck with the new career path!

  2. I am so happy to read your update! I've been wondering how you have been.

    Not working will not cure you but I found that I continued to feel better slowly for a few months. Not cured, but better. So, maybe you will still see more improvement as time goes on.

    I am starting work again this week. I hate to do it but it is necessary if we want to continue to eat and live in a house. lol

    Anyway, it is great to see you loving life.


  3. Yay you're back! I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling, but thank you for giving us an update. :) I've missed you! I'm sooo glad you're enjoying staying home and that you're able to spend more of your energy on loving on that sweet family of yours! Hang in there!! :)
